Monday, August 27, 2012

21+ Weeks/Halfway - What I've learned

 Excuse the horrendous, blurry picture, but believe it or not, this was the best looking one :(

So I, as I'm sure some of you may be getting a little bored with the questionnaire (and my complaining :) ).  Instead I thought I'd try to come up with a list of things I've learned so far...or not learned, or have to remember for the rest of the time, or what I still need to learn...not that I'm ANY sort of pro or know anything just from being preggo for 21 weeks, but just some pregnancy lessons I've come across throughout this journey.  Maybe a list for me to remember for my next pregnancy or maybe a list for you if you're thinking about becoming preggo! ;)

  • No matter how much you say you are not going to be a "pregnancy complainer" or always be talking about it, it is next to impossible.  I would always complain before I was preggo about ladies who CONSTANTLY talked about it, or complained about every little thing, and I always said I was NOT going to be like that cuz I can see how annoying it can be.  But until you're in it, you have no idea.  I try to keep it under wraps, both for the sanity of my hubby and many of my friends.  But it's really hard when you have a person growing inside of you and it's in your every thought and move of everyday!  It's also hard when you have things happening to your body you never thought possible or never thought WOULD happen.  Everyday I wake up it's something different, literally; one day it's heartburn, the next day it's bloating, the next day it's a stuffy nose, the next day it's headaches.  Hubby has done pretty well with my complaints and I TRY to keep it down as much as I can, but sometimes it's just unbelievable all the things that are happening everyday, from DAY 1!
  • Throw everything you THINK will or won't happen out the window.  Maybe this is similar to the first one, but there's so many things I've ALREADY thought would not happen to me, but have.  I don't know why I thought they wouldn't, but I just did and they happened anyway!  For instance the constant talking about it and complaining; yup I do it!  I didn't think I'd get "morning" sickness; maybe because I don't really get "sick" that easily and VERY rarely throw up, I just thought I'd slide through that one, WRONG!  I didn't think I'd have to take my wedding rings off, I didn't think I'd get heartburn.  The best thing to do when it comes to pregnancy is go in with absolutely ZERO expectations; then you won't be surprised or disappointed! 
  • Take belly pictures!  It doesn't have to involve a chalkboard and a blog complete with questionnaire, but just have hubby snap one every week, or at least every month.  It's already been so fun to look back at my progress.  When I look back at my week 8 picture, I cannot believe how "flat" my belly used to be (I use the term "flat" very loosely cuz it was by no means "flat")!
  • KEEP ACTIVE!  Ok here's one that I am still learning and need to practice more.  My last doctor's appointment was NOT pretty with weight gain, and I'm sure my slacking in the working out department contributes to that.  I also think my not being able to breathe thing would be much improved if I could get back to being more active.  And I've heard a million times how much help it can be with delivery and bouncing back more quickly after.  If only I could take my own advice more...
  • Decide which "rules" are right for YOU.  Caffeine, sushi, cold cuts, soft cheeses, alcohol, back/belly sleeping, RAMEN NOODLES (!!), coconut water.  There are sooo many do's and don't and SOOO many people ready to throw their opinions at you about all this stuff.  There's books, websites, moms, grandmas, doctors, husbands, other pregnant ladies.  Everyone knows everything about everything about being pregnant.  It's really hard to decide what's right for you and learning everyday that there's something else you "shouldn't" be doing or eating.  I think above all, you need to listen to your doctor and to YOURSELF.  And don't stress about the rules too much, because that's "bad for baby" too :)
  • Enjoy it!  This is one for me to still learn more and to try to do better next time.  Not that I'm NOT enjoying it (because I am!)  but I tend to worry about things a lot, and worry about the nursery, and think about my constant symptoms, and "are we really ready for this?!"; but sometimes you just have to kick back, let it all happen and enjoy the tiny human that is inside you!  Time is already going so fast!  Enjoy the time when the bump is still in fact a bump and not a house!  I'm sure I will be missing these mini-bump days in a few months!  Though right now, I can't wait to be bigger! 
I think it will be fun to look at this list in 19 more weeks and see what I've learned since now and if I remembered any of the things I've said on here!
 And just a few random thoughts/things from the questionnaire;
  • I am craving CEREAL like crazy!  I could eat it for all my meals of the day; I guess there are worse things to crave.
  • My belly button hurts SO SO BAD!  It's mostly at the end of the day, I think when my tummy is the most expanded, but my whole belly button feels BRUISED and sometimes it makes my tummy feel crampy too.  It hurts so bad, sometimes I can't sleep, but then by morning, it's usually better, just a little tender, and I'm terrified to eat and expand my tummy!  I really don't know how it's going to make it til the end of this :(
  • Cloth diapering class went awesome and we are 100% sold!!  I want to go buy everything right now!!
  • Painting the nursery did not go so well :(  Maybe I'll do a mid-week post about that.
  • We bought her first outfit and first (of MANY I'm sure) headbands!!!  One of the onesies says "Mommy's Little Cupcake"  AWWWW!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

20+ Weeks

What a horrible picture!!!  They are getting uglier every week!

How far along? 20weeks 1day.  Oh my gosh, halfway through!  I cannot believe that!  I think the time is going to start to fly too!  Fall is almost here (my favorite time of year), all the big milestones are pretty much over; definite bump, movement, gender.  All that's left to look forward to is birth!  The next months will be spent registering, getting the room painted and in order, purchasing a crib and furniture and then it will be the holidays and then baby time before you know it!  YIKES!

Maternity clothes? I hate to admit it, but I bought a pair of cargo-ish style capris.  I just didn't have enough casual things for weekends to get me by!  All of my shirts are starting to be too short too.  I like my shirts really long to begin with, so with this bump sticking out, it makes my shirt hike up and hang funny, and that is not ok!  I used to be able to go for literally MONTHS without wearing the same outfit twice, now I'm lucky if I can not wear the same outfit 2 weeks in a row because of what fits me :(  I don't even know what out of my fall and winter clothes are going to fit.

Exercising: Yoga and "discussing" signing up for Zumba, haha.  I know I NEED the exercise and I NEED a structured class so I'm more likely to go.  But I just hate having 2 commitments in a week that are work out classes.  Stupid working out!

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Well when I'm not waking up with my new symptoms of coughing and heartburn/acid reflux, plus peeing, hips hurting, Clyde, or being on my back...sleep is just great!  I know it's still kinda early for me to be complaining cuz I'm sure it only gets worse, but man, I am definitely struggling already.

Best moment this week: Having Friday off, and being able to sleep in with Dano on Friday AND Saturday mornings!!!  Also we picked the paint colors for the nursery and Dan is painting it while I'm at work!  YIKES!

Have you told family and friends: Yup!

Miss Anything? Nothing new.

Movement: Oh yeah, lots and lots more!!  Some kicks are so hard I swear she is going to come right through my belly!  I actually jump and gasp sometimes.

Food cravings: Sweets and ice cream as usual.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Same as always, pretty sure I can drink iced coffee though.

Have you started to show yet: Yep.  I'm actually pretty depressed about what a house I am looking like :(  I don't mean my belly, I know that's going to get bigger and I'm fine with that.  But I think it's starting to show in my face and arms :(  I always knew I would never be a "belly only" girl, but it's sadder than I thought.  And only going to get worse :(  And if I hear one more person say "you're not fat, you're pregnant", I will punch them!  Obviously I know I'm preggo, but it is not fun expanding ALL parts of your body, and sooner than you thought!!

Gender: GIRL GIRL GIRL, IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!  :)

Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out?  It's definitely shallower, and it seems to be stretching horizontally!  For some reason I wasn't expecting that.  Especially at the end of the day when my belly is really big, the very top of my belly button is stretched so much to the sides, that the skin is taut and kind of hurts to touch!  It seems like it could rip at anytime.  Ewww!

Wedding rings on or off? Off :( and I am very sad and depressed about it.  Again, for some reason, something I thought was not going to happen to me.  I'd always see girls having to take them off, and never understood and I'd think "well why not just leave them on, how bad can it be?"  Now I know.  I could still get them on if I wanted and used cold water, but then my finger throbs for awhile, and if I get even a little bit warm (which is all the time now) it starts to hurt really bad and I freak out about getting them off.  Definitely don't want to end up in the emergency room getting those suckers cut off.  I informed Dano he has to buy me a cheap (ish) ring that I can wear for the rest of my pregnancy so I'm not the "pregnant unmarried lady"  hahaha.  I don't think he's biting.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy!

Looking forward to: A cloth diapering class this weekend!  Haha, how sad what I get excited about!  Yes we are considering cloth diapering, call us crazy if you want, but we want to give it a go.  Both of our parents did it for all their kids and we are both the oldest, so we are SOMEWHAT familiar with how it goes, though a lot has changed.  We're not 100% set on it yet, but the more I learn and figure out how it will work for us, I think we can do it!  Also looking forward to fall and football season!!  It is upon us!!  Here's pic from the game I went to on Thursday.  They lost, but I just absolutely love being at Lambeau Field!!!!

Not loving: Oh man, a lot this week; my not being able to breathe thing was at an all time high.  It basically feels like I can only get air into my throat and not into my lungs.  Then that turned into wheezing when I'd really try to get a deep breath in.  Then the wheezing turned into this horrible cough that I've had for a week now.  And not sure if any of it is related, but acid reflux/heartburn!  OH MY GOD!  Another thing I thought I'd escape for some reason, maybe cuz I've never really had it before.  The coughing and burning wake me up at night, I feel like I could breathe fire.  Luckily I have a doctor appointment this week, so I'm going to ask her about some of this stuff.  Also the night time leg cramps have begun.  If labor is worse than leg cramps, I'm in trouble...haha...joking obviously, but the pain from these cramps and the not being able to do anything but writhe in pain til it's over, is almost too much to bear.  And then it hurts to walk for the next 2 days.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 13, 2012

19 Weeks - The Big One!

How far along? 19 Weeks!

Maternity clothes? Same, but got a few cute shirts from Target, including the one in our gender reveal photos; I love it! 

Exercising: Trying for walks and yoga; although I missed it this week to go visit my friend Dana who had her baby that day!!  SO cute!

Stretch marks? I guess I do have a few on my hips, but I think they've always been there, from weight losses and gains over the years.

Sleep: About the same, I've been noticing my hips hurting more at night.  Don't know if it's cuz they are moving and stretching or because I'm always on one of my sides.

Best moment this week: Gender/anatomy ultrasound of COURSE!!!!  Well actually the scan went very well, baby is totally healthy and the tech did not spill the beans of the sex.  BUT the tech was kind of a snot and that somewhat made for a bad experience!  I won't get into it, but lets just say, I kind of yelled at her after she spoke to me very rudely!  I understand I'm hormonal, but I did not feel that I overreacted and deserved her attitude!  AND if she can't deal with hormonal, worrisome mothers, maybe she should find another occupation!!!!  THAT'S all I'll say about THAT!

Anywho, all went as planned for our photoshoot, we had one of the nurses call Molly (the photographer) ahead of time to tell her the sex so she could get the box and balloons ready.  I was SOO nervous all day Friday, I was at my parent's house beforehand and was driving my mom crazy!  Both her and I were convinced it was a boy...or at least trying to prepare ourselves since we thought it would be.  My parents decided to come along to the box opening and it was very exciting!  It went absolutely perfect and we could not be happier!!  Molly from Molly Johnson Photography did an AMAZING job!!!  (See a few of the pics below)

I still cannot believe we got our girl!  Every time I think about it, I just get so happy!  I keep realizing all the things I kept hoping I could do, I actually can!!  Like put GIANT flowers on her tiny head, and dress her in cute clothes and shoes, and do her hair!!  AHHH!  And of course try my best to teach her all of life's lessons ;)  Do you know when you're a little kid (or even an adult) and you wake up after Christmas is over and remember all the fun new toys, clothes, gadgets etc, you have to play with??  That's how I feel every time I remember we are having a GIRL!!!!!  Now if we can EVER agree on a name!!  Which by the way, we will probably be keeping a secret til birth!  Sorry!  :)

Have you told family and friends: Yup!

Miss Anything? Nothing new.

Movement: Definitely YES!  Still not ALL the time, but getting more and more often.  The other night  Dano and I were laying in bed (well he was taking his nap, it was about 8pm) and I felt some little movements, then I put my hand on my belly where I felt them and I got a HUGE kick!  I seriously gasped!  Then she (SHE!!!) did it again!!!  I wanted to wake Dan up SOO bad because he still hasn't felt it, but I didn't know if I should, and I knew as soon as I did, she would stop.  She did it 3 or 4 times and I gasped everytime because I could not believe it!

Food cravings: For sure ice cream!!  Dano and I are keeping this little ice cream shop on the corner in business!  I had thought we still had some ice cream bars in the freezer one night, and I was sooo looking forward to one.  Well it turns out Dan had eaten the last one!!  Who does that to a pregnant lady!  So I told him we were going out for ice cream!  He complained for about 5 minutes but then said yes, and I knew he really wanted some too!  I told him he should be happy it's not 3am and I'm sending him out for pickles!  He told me that was all a "scam"!  Hahaha.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Same as always.  I did however consume a "sub" this weekend!!  We had lunch at Dan's sister's house in Sturgeon Bay after her teaching installation at her church.  And subs were on the menu!  Dan was pretty worried what I was gonna do, but I told him I'd live and not to make a thing out of it.  I picked a tiny bun and put lots of veggies and one piece of ham.  It really wasn't that bad.  It didn't make me want to puke or anything, but I still don't think I'll be doing it again anytime soon.

Have you started to show yet: Yep.  Sometimes it looks ginormous and other times it still could look like I had a few too many beers, but it's for sure out!

Gender prediction: GIRL GIRL GIRL, IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!  :)

Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In and it better stay that way!  I HATE belly buttons!!  It is however getting much shallower!  It used to be a lot deeper and that kinda freaks me out.  But I guess the fact that it's not as deep makes it seem less gross somehow.  The ultrasound tech was getting her wand pretty darn close to it during the scan (because the uterus is almost to the height of the belly button at this point) and I really thought I was going to lose it! 

Wedding rings on or off? On, but definitely getting tighter and tighter, I need to run my finger under cold water to get them off AND on everyday  :(  I really didn't think I was going to be losing them quite this soon.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy with occasional crying spells, Dano thinks I'm crazy. 

Looking forward to: Going to the Packer game AND a Brewer game this week!  Also starting to think about decorating the nursery and registering and buying PINK things!!!
Not loving: The bloating seems to be back with a vengeance!  It is so painful and uncomfortable!  And the hunger has definitely gotten worse!  I just feel hungry all the time!  You know when your tummy just FEELS empty, not like growling, but you can just tell it's empty and hungry??  I feel like that most of the time.  But then all of a sudden I'll eat one bite too much and just want to DIE from how FULL I feel, yuck!

Thanks for reading!  Enjoy the pictures!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

18+ Weeks

How far along? 18weeks 2days

Maternity clothes? Same, I definitely need a new pair of work pants and am excited to get some fall things!

Exercising: Did a few more walks this week and yoga.

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Been getting more difficult.  I definitely don't think I can be on my tummy anymore.  In fact, one morning I woke and up was laying half on my tummy, half on my side, and I'm pretty sure baby was kicking!  S/he did not enjoy that!  One night I woke up (I basically wake up every once in a while to switch from one side to the other) and freaked out because I remember thinking to myself "OMG HOW am I going to ONLY be able to sleep on my sides for 5 more months!!?!"  I wanted to switch to my back or tummy SOOO bad!  I do somewhat still go on my back, but I try not to or at least wedge a pillow under one side.

Best moment this week: Getting our new appliances!  Although it was a process, the fridge was about 1/8" too tall for the cabinet above it, we had a feeling this might happen, but were hoping we could squeeze it in.  So not-so-handy-hubby thought he could just sand down the cabinet, which sounded fine to me.  BUT of course he did not take ANY precautions beforehand; didn't move anything off the cabinet next to it: papers, books, key basket, etc., didn't move wine glasses or decorative things on the wall.  Nor did he put down any drop cloths at all or have a vacuum handy or ask me to hold it.  So there was literally an INCH thick of sawdust over our ENTIRE kitchen and everything in it!!  Including stuck to the walls!  I realized after the fact that I should have snapped some pics but I was too angry and trying not to freak out!  It took him A LONG TIME, but we finally got the fridge in and spent half of Saturday morning scrubbing dust off the whole kitchen, and of course I'm still finding it everywhere!  The appliances look good though!

Also going to the State Fair was fun.  We got rained on, but made the best of it and ate A LOT of food; deep fried mac and cheese, "brewtons", red velvet funnel cake with cream cheese frosting, frozen banana dipped in chocolate, a beer float (see "Miss Anything")!  YIKES!  We also met the cutest little boy while hiding under a tent from the rain; he was a "balloon twister", he must have been about 7, and he was amazing at balloon twisting!  We had a good conversation with him for about 10 minutes about how his family does (fake) tattoos and glitter tattoos and him and his brother balloon twist for tips, and he goes to a "virtual online school", he was sooo cute and fun to talk to!  Here's the teddy bear he made us!

Have you told family and friends: Yup!

Miss Anything? Nothing new, Dan had a BEER float at the State Fair, no not ROOT beer, just beer!  Made with Pumpkin beer and vanilla ice cream!  I definitely would have liked to try one of those!  I did sneak a sip or 2 and a bit of his ice cream though ;)

The only other delicious fair food I snapped a pic of; apple square.
Movement: I think I can say YES!  It's still few and far between and sometimes I still second guess if it's gas, but most of the time I don't think it is.

Food cravings: Pineapple and ice cream!!!  Not together...although that doesn't sound bad!  I ate a whole large container of pineapple from the grocery store in about 2 days last week.  Now we just bought a whole pineapple and cut it up, we'll see how long it takes me to eat that!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Same as always.  I forgot that Chex Mix has always been on this list too.  Eww.  I think I overdid it on the stuff during my nauseous weeks and now I can't even look at it.

Have you started to show yet: I think I can FINALLY say YES to this too!!  It still gets bigger and bigger throughout the day and as I eat, but it's always somewhat there.  For your viewing pleasure, here is my friend Dana and me; she was 39.2 weeks and I was 18.2 weeks in this pic. I only hope I can look like her at 39 weeks!

Gender prediction: OMG WE FIND OUT THIS WEEK!  (Well technically my 19th week, but this week as I type this.)  We have our appointment on Thursday, we aren't going to have them tell us, but instead write it down and put it in an envelope, then we are doing our photoshoot with it on Friday, which I am SOOOO excited for!!  So it's going to be long enough to survive til Thursday, then the ultrasound will be fun, but then from Thursday at about 4pm until Friday at 4 or 5pm might be the longest 24 hours of my LIFE!!!  I don't even want to guess anymore what it is, because I still WANT girl, but I'm sure it will be boy!  As always, healthy is all that matters!

Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In and it better stay that way!  I HATE belly buttons!! 

Wedding rings on or off? On, but definitely getting tighter and tighter!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy with occasional crying spells.

Looking forward to: GENDER ULTRASOUND & PHOTO SHOOT!!!!!!!
Not loving: I was just thinking the other day that I am kind of starting to love being pregnant!!  Now that I finally have a little bump and have been feeling some kicks...besides the bloody noses, bloody gums, occasional headaches, backaches...ok so there's still a lot of downsides!  But it's still fun!  My headaches have actually finally cleared up for the most part, my skin has been great lately, I suddenly have tons of energy, and I love not having to think about sucking my tummy in!  I just stick that sucker out!  I can't believe I'm almost halfway through this!!  But maybe this is the calm before the storm too.

Thanks for reading!