Friday, March 9, 2012

Chalkboard Creation

You'll have to forgive my horrendous picture taking skills...which I partially blame on my junky camera...but ANYWHO, I thought this turned out pretty cute.

Just some store bought chalkboard paint from Menards (not ambitious enough to make my own yet).
An old cabinet door I got for free from work...and attempted to sand the inside, which really didn't work out and I had to just use primer anyway.
A cute little home sign I picked up at Michael's.

And voila!!  A chalkboard sign for next to our side door in the kitchen!  Oh yeah I also made some fabric flowers with some scraps I had laying around because I thought it needed something.  And which I am now obsessed with and want to put on EVERYTHING!  Headbands, belts, shirts, frames...the possibilities are endless!  I used this lovely lady's tutorial that I found on Pinterest; Flower Tutorial.  It will look even better once that wall behind it is RED!

Oh and P.S., not-so-handy-hubby is putting pulls and knobs on our kitchen cabinets (finally, and with the help of Clyde of COURSE)!  So stay tuned how that one turns out, yikes!