Tuesday, October 9, 2012

27+ Weeks

How far along? 27weeks 1day

Maternity clothes? Yup, I'm really trying to make things work, but my belly makes things so short!  I may still have to get more shirts.

Exercising: Did a bit of walking, but not much.  FINALLY back to yoga this week; I missed 3 weeks for various reasons and my hips can tell!  I can't wait to get back in there, though I'm sure I'll be struggling.

Stretch marks? Still nope.

Sleep: What sleep?  The numbness and tingling in my hands and painful thumbs are pretty much a constant at night, as well as peeing of course and just general uncomfortableness.

Best moment this week: Getting most of the stenciling done and REGISTERING!  Ok the registering wasn't much of a "best" moment what with me stressing and eventually CRYING on the floor of Target over breast pumps (yes that actually happened).  But I think I'm just working myself up, we did get a lot accomplished, it's just SO overwhelming!  WHY are there like 300 different types of bottles?!  Do you really need a different bottle and nipple at different ages??  And which breast pump is best?  (Can I really breastfeed for a year working full time?!)  Which stroller and carseat are the safest?!  I want like 3 different types of strollers (regular/full size, jogging, and "umbrella"), but is that dumb?!  And I'm obsessed with colors of things (should this be pink or neutral?  should this match the livingroom since that's where it will reside? should this match this or this?).  I know this is all ridiculous, but I can't help it, it's the "designer" in me and wanting things to be perfect and cute.  And thinking about how many pictures get taken in her carseat or swing or whatever...I don't want that to be ugly!  Ugh I need to get over it, there are obviously more important things!

Have you told family and friends: Yup!

Miss Anything? Nope nope!  I really do not feel that deprived of anything at all!  Ok, yes I've had my (few and far between) moments of "MAN I need a drink!", but other than that, I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything.  Being pregnant and having a baby is THE most important thing in the world to me right now, and no glass of wine or night out partying is going to change my mind about that or make me regret being pregnant for ONE second!

Movement: Tons.  For a few days (and nights!) she would not lay off my cervix!  Eww, it's so horrible!  I absolutely love feeling her kicking, so when she kicks there and I hate it, it makes me sad.  But then all of a sudden her kicks were back on my right side, thank goodness!  Stay away from the door, baby, it's not time yet!  She still likes to do it from time to time, but I found that if I put my hand at the top of my belly, it gets her to move up there, so that helps.

Food cravings: Sweets, fruit, and cereal...OH and waffles!!  Had to bake some chocolate chip cookies over the weekend cuz I just HAD to have them!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Coffee, tuna, and cold cuts/subs.  Coffee is off the list!  Yay!

Have you started to show yet: Yup, things are growin' now!  Even looking back just a few weeks ago, I can't believe how much bigger it is!  One morning Dano lovingly told me "it looks HUGE today!"  Then I got to work and someone else made a comment about how I'm "really growing", so I guess me and baby had a growth spurt.

Gender: GIRL GIRL GIRL, IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!  :)

Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Still in and red. 

Wedding rings on or off? Off, but now sporting my garnet ring Dano got me :)

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, yet clearly stressed.  But I'm loving how the nursery is coming together!

Looking forward to: Wearing my Halloween shirt that I ordered online!  It is SO STINKIN' CUTE!  I'll post my pic that week in it, I just love it!  Now if I only had any Halloween plans....

Also finishing the stencil in the baby's room, getting the carpet in, and hopefully getting our dresser soon!  Things are slowly coming together.  The stenciling turned out AWESOME!  Unfortunately it doesn't show that well in pics because the "pink" is so close to the "gray/mauve/malt" (whatever) color.  But I'll try to post some when the nursery is closer to done.

Not loving: Still coughing and congestion; I have come to terms with the fact that I will be coughing for the rest of my life, it has just become a part of my life and I accept it.  But seriously.  Other than my cough, I honestly feel great!  The only other constant thing is some acid reflux, but since I've basically been living on Pepcid, I mostly keep it at bay.  There are still days that I have to remind myself "OH YEAH!  I'm pregnant!"  We'll see if that feeling lasts through the 3rd trimester.

Also NOT looking forward to my Rh (whatever) shot it's called at my doctor's appointment this coming week :(  I still don't 100% understand it, but I think I mostly do, and I know it involves shots...which I do NOT do :(  And I've heard it burns...booooo.  

Thanks for reading!

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