Excuse the horrendous, blurry picture, but believe it or not, this was the best looking one :(
So I, as I'm sure some of you may be getting a little bored with the questionnaire (and my complaining :) ). Instead I thought I'd try to come up with a list of things I've learned so far...or not learned, or have to remember for the rest of the time, or what I still need to learn...not that I'm ANY sort of pro or know anything just from being preggo for 21 weeks, but just some pregnancy lessons I've come across throughout this journey. Maybe a list for me to remember for my next pregnancy or maybe a list for you if you're thinking about becoming preggo! ;)
- No matter how much you say you are not going to be a "pregnancy complainer" or always be talking about it, it is next to impossible. I would always complain before I was preggo about ladies who CONSTANTLY talked about it, or complained about every little thing, and I always said I was NOT going to be like that cuz I can see how annoying it can be. But until you're in it, you have no idea. I try to keep it under wraps, both for the sanity of my hubby and many of my friends. But it's really hard when you have a person growing inside of you and it's in your every thought and move of everyday! It's also hard when you have things happening to your body you never thought possible or never thought WOULD happen. Everyday I wake up it's something different, literally; one day it's heartburn, the next day it's bloating, the next day it's a stuffy nose, the next day it's headaches. Hubby has done pretty well with my complaints and I TRY to keep it down as much as I can, but sometimes it's just unbelievable all the things that are happening everyday, from DAY 1!
- Throw everything you THINK will or won't happen out the window. Maybe this is similar to the first one, but there's so many things I've ALREADY thought would not happen to me, but have. I don't know why I thought they wouldn't, but I just did and they happened anyway! For instance the constant talking about it and complaining; yup I do it! I didn't think I'd get "morning" sickness; maybe because I don't really get "sick" that easily and VERY rarely throw up, I just thought I'd slide through that one, WRONG! I didn't think I'd have to take my wedding rings off, I didn't think I'd get heartburn. The best thing to do when it comes to pregnancy is go in with absolutely ZERO expectations; then you won't be surprised or disappointed!
- Take belly pictures! It doesn't have to involve a chalkboard and a blog complete with questionnaire, but just have hubby snap one every week, or at least every month. It's already been so fun to look back at my progress. When I look back at my week 8 picture, I cannot believe how "flat" my belly used to be (I use the term "flat" very loosely cuz it was by no means "flat")!
- KEEP ACTIVE! Ok here's one that I am still learning and need to practice more. My last doctor's appointment was NOT pretty with weight gain, and I'm sure my slacking in the working out department contributes to that. I also think my not being able to breathe thing would be much improved if I could get back to being more active. And I've heard a million times how much help it can be with delivery and bouncing back more quickly after. If only I could take my own advice more...
- Decide which "rules" are right for YOU. Caffeine, sushi, cold cuts, soft cheeses, alcohol, back/belly sleeping, RAMEN NOODLES (!!), coconut water. There are sooo many do's and don't and SOOO many people ready to throw their opinions at you about all this stuff. There's books, websites, moms, grandmas, doctors, husbands, other pregnant ladies. Everyone knows everything about everything about being pregnant. It's really hard to decide what's right for you and learning everyday that there's something else you "shouldn't" be doing or eating. I think above all, you need to listen to your doctor and to YOURSELF. And don't stress about the rules too much, because that's "bad for baby" too :)
- Enjoy it! This is one for me to still learn more and to try to do better next time. Not that I'm NOT enjoying it (because I am!) but I tend to worry about things a lot, and worry about the nursery, and think about my constant symptoms, and "are we really ready for this?!"; but sometimes you just have to kick back, let it all happen and enjoy the tiny human that is inside you! Time is already going so fast! Enjoy the time when the bump is still in fact a bump and not a house! I'm sure I will be missing these mini-bump days in a few months! Though right now, I can't wait to be bigger!
- I am craving CEREAL like crazy! I could eat it for all my meals of the day; I guess there are worse things to crave.
- My belly button hurts SO SO BAD! It's mostly at the end of the day, I think when my tummy is the most expanded, but my whole belly button feels BRUISED and sometimes it makes my tummy feel crampy too. It hurts so bad, sometimes I can't sleep, but then by morning, it's usually better, just a little tender, and I'm terrified to eat and expand my tummy! I really don't know how it's going to make it til the end of this :(
- Cloth diapering class went awesome and we are 100% sold!! I want to go buy everything right now!!
- Painting the nursery did not go so well :( Maybe I'll do a mid-week post about that.
- We bought her first outfit and first (of MANY I'm sure) headbands!!! One of the onesies says "Mommy's Little Cupcake" AWWWW!!!